I just did a quick Google on them and don't get warm fuzzies, especially the part about the FTC complaint about overstating their treatment success rates.
http://www.quackwatch.org/02ConsumerProtection/FTCActions/ctca.htmlBut then, I am inclined against trusting non-traditional approaches to something as complex and full of unknowns as cancer is, especially phrases like "whole body approach", "empowerment", etc. I get the same feeling here as I do walking into a used car lot, that someone is trying very hard to sell something to me. That's my personal opinion here.
Their web site looks more like a sales pitch than a legitimate treatment facility
http://www.cancercenter.com/ My mother had lung cancer and was expected to die in a matter of weeks -- Had she gone to a CTCA or a Mexican clinic, she would have been a success story because she lived another year and a half, fully 900% longer than expected!
That said, however, it's clear from reading that they do pay special attention to making the patient feel better as part of the treatment and that's quite important to some folks, esp ones who may not trust mainstream traditional medicine.
Presuming their costs are in line, insurance will cover them as well as any CCC and the traditional methods are also being used, they may have some value, but I remain skeptical -- The hoo-rah I just read about them having problems getting into the Atlanta market also raises my skepticism because new hospitals seem to open all the time and don't seem to need to have emotional supporters to do so -- Are they creating a fuss just to get supporters?
Personally, I won't be traveling to Tulsa to get my treatments -- If I desired out of town treatments for my HN cancer, I would be headed for MDAnderson, top-rated by the NCI.
Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer choice!
Here are two conflicting views posted to
http://www.cancercompass.com/message-board/message/all,9651,0.htm " My dad goes there in Tulsa. They are great. My dad had stage 4 pacreatic cancer and now he no longer has pacreatic cancer, but he still has 2 spots on his liver that they are working. I recommend them over anybody else. They don't just treat the cancer they treat your whole body. They also have state of the art equipment. I hope the the best for you."
"I do not have any personal experience with the Cancer Treatment Centers of America but I do know that the FTC went after them in 1995 for false and misleading advertising. The Centers alledgedly made unsubstantiated claims concerning their treaments and their success rates compared to other treatment facilities. With such a serious decision as to which facility I should go to treat my particular cancer, I would want a facility with the latest treatment for my paticular type of cancer.
Look at the National Cancer Institute website for the particular cancer and see what studies are being done and at what facilities in this country or elsewhere treat my type of cancer. Also, there is a recent National Cancer Institue reseach study that showed no difference in eating fruits and vegetables or not for improving your cancer.
I know the Mayo Clinic has a deserved worldwide reputation for their research and treatment of cancer. With that said, I would not blindly go to Mayo if they did not have the best treatment for my particular type of cancer. Doing your own research and getting second or third opinions from physicians in the field is the best source for your treatment facility. A for-profit TV advertising facility like the Cancer Centers of America would not top my list as a treatment facility no matter nice and friendly the staff may be. My concern is finding a reputable facility that can cure my type of cancer. Your insurance will be paying for all of their staff members who comprise their holistic approach to your cancer. Mayo has treament centers on Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota.
Remember all treatment facilities are interested in the insurance dollars that they will get for your treatment. Spend those dollars wisely. As one person who responded on this message board said, the insurance they had was reaching the max of their policy limits. Do not think for a minute that any of these for-profit cancer facilities or most of the non-profit will give you the care that you may desire if the insurance funds are not there."