I'm on Carboplatin, Erbitux, and 5-FU. This time like previous chemo rounds, I am FREEZING all the time!! Anybody else experience this? I don't see it listed as one of the typical symptoms of chemo but I find it very hard to keep myself warm. Granted it's cold here in Boise but I'm wearing about double the amount of layers of everybody else. I have to sleep with an electric blanket now. Getting out of the hot shower is torture until I can get warmed up again. I wear underarmor under my dress shirts to go to work!! I've lost weight but not so much that I'm at a low body fat percentage - if that has anything to do with it.

Am I alone on this one or has anybody else experienced this? If this is 'normal' does anyone know what causes it? Maybe I'm just getting whimpy in my old age....

Last edited by Steve J.; 01-20-2009 02:15 PM.

Age 41 - Stage 2 SCC tongue Dx 2/06. Cisplatin x3, IMRT x35. Mets to neck node discovered 7/07. RND 40 nodes removed, margins not clear. Cisplatin, Taxotere, 5-FU Fall 07, then IMXT/Erbitux for 7 wks. Inoperable mets to both lungs and pleura Dx Oct'08. 4 cycles Carboplatin, Erbitux, 5-FU so far.