I have to correct myself...my throat became very sore in week 5 but I did not have voice problems until week 6, from that point on it was gone for 3/4 weeks. It got to a point that my family thought I didn't want to talk to them...LOL

Like David said...Don't worry about speech or taste buds. Just concentrate on getting through these treatments. Keep your husband hydrated and full of nutrition. I wish I can say it will get easier but it's going to get harder before that happens. And try to keep him swallowing...it will help.

Btw, I was jumping the gun too on the taste issue...I was delusional and I thought I would be eating steak after my txs were over...Well, I finished txs on 11-4-2008 and I'm still not eating steak. Most of my calories are still acquired through liquids. But it's getting better...slowly.

One day at a time...We get thru this by taking baby-steps. If you look too far into the future you'll presently depress yourself. Stay hydrated, get nutrition, finish txs and then it's on to recovery and feeling better.

7-16-08 age 37@Dx, T3N0M0 SCC 4.778cm tumor, left side of oral tongue, non smoker, casual drinker, I am the 4th in my family to have H&N cancer
8-13-08 left neck dissection and 40% of tongue removed, submandibular salivary gland & 14 nodes clean, no chemo, IMRTx35
11-4-08 Recovering & feeling better