I was scheduled for 12.22 in Cincinnati for a partial glossectomy, forearm flap, & left neck dissection.

I met with the Brown Cancer Center locally and they said the size and location of the tumor on my tongue did not warrant a flap. They could do surgery the next day. So I prayed about it and felt like that was where I was meant to go. So 12.20 I had my neck dissection and my partial glossectomy. Surgery went well the size the tumor was, was just as they had thought within the negative margins. They didn't have to do a skin graft just stitched me up. Has anyone else had this done?

I feel like things were a lot more simple than I had expected. We are still waiting for the results from the lymph nodes. In most cases would radiation be recommended anyways?

11.25.08 SCC of tongue diagnosed @ age 23 T2N2cM0
12.20.2008 Partial glossectomy & left neck dissection. Clear margins.
6.24.09-Pet Scans show 2 areas of concern
8.5.09-Recurrence-Perotid Gland and swollen node removal
9.29.09 Carboplatin & Taxol x8 Tomo x39