Hello - this is my first post, but I've been lurking for about a week in a half now. My husband just had the biopsy Monday, and we're waiting for results. During the biopsy they removed a VERY large amount of tissue (and infection) and scraped the bone (there was a lot of bone loss showing on the X-Ray and he's had a very persistent infection for quite some time now...

Anyway - today the tissue is VERY gray and looks very strange. We tried to call the Oral Surgeon, but he doesn't have an answering service - it just says to go to the ER if it's an emergency. Does this warrant a trip to the ER?

Thanks in advance,


Mom of 4, wife and caregiver to David, 37 yrs old, diagnosed 12/4/08 SSC T4NXMX Maxillectomy on 1/8/09. 19 out of 30 scheduled rounds of IMRT Radiation Therapy. Cancer free!! (Last checkup 8/09) Next 10/23/09