My snakes name is buddy and I don't know about the frozen rats I don't think they would make good pets even if you warmed them my buddy catches the rats it is kinda like discovery channel live...some think its cruel but it really is nature...which I have had many a debates about cruel not cruel...all I know is when we got him he was live fed and tried to change it and he almost died didn't know what to do all he knew was the I wanted to keep takes real team work my husband doesn't like getting him out of the tank and I can't feed him I can't watch bang bang shoot em up movies we work together...

Dianne..treatment at cc at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario...insulin dependant, Surgery Sept 8/08 Tracheotomy,composite resection and bilateral neck dissection, left radial forearm free flap... T2N0 squamous cell carcinoma. No radiation A little over 2 yrs clear YAY