Thanks, everybody. And special thanks to you, Jerry, for your special interest and support. This illness can take a normally intelligent, rational, positive person and do funny things to them, can't it?!? I do feel better now. I will stay busy now until time to go back in December, at which time I should get a chest x-ray and some scans.

When I read what some of our friends on this board have endured, I realize how very fortunate I am to have had "only" a maxillectomy to deal with.

On that note...I don't read about many maxillectomies here. Brian, do you recall many posters with scc of the maxilla and hard palate? This surgery, including mine, usually requires an obturator afterward. I would love to "talk" with someone who has experienced this type of surgery.

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!