Dear All,

I am fairly new to the board, and I imagine that this topic has been covered, but I need to hear both sides of the radiation issue. I had surgery for SCC of the right maxilla and palate in January. Based on the size of the lesion, (T2)and the length of time we figure that it was present, my surgeon also did a neck dissection. All margins were clear, and all nodes were negative, so he did not recommend radiation or chemo. He said that he feels that he has gotten all of the cancer, and that if I do have a recurrence, then we still will be able to use radiation.

This makes me nervous! I am certainly not anxious to have radiation and all of its side effects, but if it will kill any remaining cancer cells, then I do want it. Why wait until they grow into a tumor?

I am very confused. I love this site, but I am afraid that I will become too fearful if I continue to read the posts, because I am not sure that I have had all the treatment that I should have had.

Also, I have been very hopeful and upbeat, but since reading of so many recurrences, I am beginning to feel discouraged.

I need and want the knowledge from other patients, but I don't want to look for trouble if there is no cause to suspect it.

So.....I would like to know how many people with T1/2, NO, M0 lesions had radiation and how many didn't. Thanks.

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!