Hello. I actually had 2 G-tubes since my diagnosis. One was placed at the time of diagnosis and removed soon after my treatment was done. The second came after struggling with malnutriition for months. The first tube was healed days later, but the second removal was not near as pleasant. eek The pain went away fairly quicly, but it leaked horribly at first and took about 3 weeks to stop completely. In the first few days, all I could do was lay on my back and be very still. Any movement opened it up, but don't fear! I had 3 infections, and it took a little while, but it healed beuatifully. I lovingly call my scar a "Second Belly-Button." I recommend Surgical pads for the drainage when your'e up. Theyr'e somewhat bulky, but it's hard to soak them. I'd leave it open at home though.