I have a question for those out there who had or were familiar with PEG tube useage and removal. I had my PEG removed yesterday following a total of almost 4 months since installation, now 7 weeks out of treatment. The nurse at my Oncology doc's office at Emory University Winship Cancer Center removed the tube simply by pulling it out. It was a bit painful for about 5 minutes and then felt okay. She applied Neosporin and bandaged up along with instructions to my wife and caregiver as to how to care for over next few days. Later, on our way home from hospital and after stopping for lunch, I begin to notice leakage onto the front of my shirt. The bandage applied earlier by the nurse was saturated. We were in a panic by the time we got home, wife contacted nurse at Emory, etc.. Leaked very little overnight but again started leaking a breakfast this morning and now again tonight at dinner. Plan to contact nurse again in the morning but in meantime just wondering if anyone else has experienced such?

Bill D.

Dx 4/27/06, SCC, BOT, Stage III/IV, Tx 5/25/06 through 7/12/06 - 33 IMRT and 4 chemo, radical right side neck dissection 9/20/06.