
I had a maxillectomy done in August (upper right jaw removed) along with a tumor in the sinus ...
A few days ago I started getting a stuffed ear feeling on that side. No pain, or anything it just feels stuffed or plugged like it has a cotton stuffed in it.
When I first get up it is not there, but when I start putzing around or esp if I bend over it hits and then lasts most of the day or all of it.
Now colds have been going around and I did sneeze a couple times but other than that have not had the symptoms of a cold (except this if it could be from a cold possibly?)
Also I have been having a problem with my jaw getting tight on me - not opening far enough again, so I have been trying to stretch it a lot and I note when I do I feel / hear a squishy and then poppy feel / sound up by the ear so maybe it is from this as well?
I tried taking benedryl to see if it would change it and it did help SOME but didn't take it all away ... but helped a bit. As I said not painful but sure is annoying.
Anyone experience similar or have any ideas?