Hi Colleen
I went through radiation and as a result have lost 75 pounds. I am very weak. I tried to do what my nutritionalist said but food was horrible tasting and burned my mouth. I used all the stuff they told me to use. I am 8 months out of treatment and still loosing weight. I am down to 105. I try to keep records of my food intake as well as the WATER I drink. As Davidcpa said it is very important. That Carnation instant drink, boost and insure has kept me alive. I do eat some foods. I can make a meatloaf that is moist enough you really don't have to chew it. I use a ton of un salted not spicy gravy on everything I eat. Yep I can even eat a bisquit. Tell your husban that once he gets used to the flavor of the carnation,boost and ensure he will get to where its just like drinking a coke or what ever he likes to drink. Come back to this forumn often, I come back to search all the time when I get new problems. Dr Mike just helpped me with one and I feel better knowing what to try to do to fix it. There are a lot of very knowledgble people here, and a ton of folks that are or have gone through what you and your husband are going through. Good luck to the both of you. Brenda

49 years young 9/2007 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 33 rad treatments. One year later, 9/17/2008 50 years old through the Grace of God. last check up all clear. Living life as it comes to me.