I'm new to this site and this is my favorite forum area. It's been so helpful. I had a peg tube put in 1/07. Most of my tongue was removed in 11/07 and I have a flap. Between that and the upcoming radiation and chemo, doctors knew I would need it. I had a bad time getting it - should have been outpatient procedure, I was in hospital for 2 1/2 days. But eventually it turned out o.k. and I used it for about 2 months. I drink Carnation Instant Breakfast, smoothies and shakes and am starting to eat a little food. My oncologist,surgeon and radiation onc. all said peg could be removed. The gastro doc wouldn't do it.He said if I have a reoccurance I can not get another peg tube if needed. Has anyone had one removed and gotten another later?

Karen-age 47 5/07stage 1 tongue right side partial glossectomy 3nodes removed on right. 6/07 didn't get it all-2nd partial glossectomy. 11/07 stage 3(?) partial glossectomy,flap.all nodes removed on right side. 1/08 peg tube. IMRT 39tx,chemo-cisplatin. 5/08 left side 1 lymph node w/cancer - removed