Erik (who is 34)noticed a small sore in his mouth about 6 weeks ago, he went to the dentist to have it checked (who diagnosed the first bout) and the dentist thought that it was just a "trauma" to the tongue, but said if it didnt heal in a week he needed to go see the oncologist. Two weeks later Erik saw the oncologist, she also though it was a trauma and said if it wasnt better in "a few days" then to go see his ENT. Two weeks later he had me look at it, and he saw the ENT that day!! Our ENT took one short look at it and scheduled him for immediate surgery. We asked her if it was cancer and she said she wouldnt know until the surgery and the frozen sections came back. So four days later Erik had surgery (that leads us to yesterday) She ended up telling us before the surgery that she was confident that this was cancer, but of course only the biopsy could confirm that. She removed a 2x2ish piece from his tongue yesterday. She took about a 1 inch in diameter tumor and 3/4 inch irregular cell dysplasia and then some clean celled area. She said she got clean margins on it, but I guess Im wondering...what treatments are left? Erik had lifetime RAD, and chemo and Erbitux during the first round. Are the options just cut- till there is no more to cut, and then start cutting new growth areas? This is just our second round, but is this the cycle we are about to start? Im not sure I have heard from survivors of recurring tongue cancer.
We live in Spokane which has a CCC, but our oncologist didnt give us the greatest percentages last time. Are we facing cancer forever now?

Caregiver to Erik -1st DX 12/22/2005 SCC of Tongue, T3N1M0, hemi-glossectomy,60 nodes removed, carboplatnin,Erbitux, 35Rads.
Reoccurrence T1N0M0 4/14/08-partial glossectomy-16 weeks Erbitux and Taxol-
3rd reoccurrence 5/18/12- partial glossectomy