Thanks for all that effort Gary - I'm going to have to take a minute and absorb all that in.

David - my use of the word "boost" means that the last 10 treatments Dan will receive are to be targeted directly at the tumor area and not in the broad area he has been having. Does that make sense?

I'm just worried if he is getting 1.8 per day and it's being spread around a large field - if he gets that in a small field does that mean much more intensity to that area?

My curiousness is related to a)does this different way help with success and b)does this mean his burns are going to get that much worse in that area?

Oh - our MO said Amifostine wouldn't be used in our case because it is primarily used to protect salivary glands and we're trying to "kill" the salivary gland because that's where Dan's cancer is. He said there are no studies that show how it works with salivary gland patients so he didn't want to try it.

Michelle, CG to husband (45), DX 2/08 Stage IVa Adenocarcinoma Salivary Gland (T2N2bMO)
Parotidectomy & ND 2/08, Tumor margins not clear, 4 of 30 nodes positve for cancer,
TX IMRT 39x, cisplatin 7x (completed 5/1/08),
PEG (4/22 - 7/9), No port. Currently in remission!