
Do you think that if your BIL was personally faced with this dx that he would choose the form of treatment that he discusses with you?? It may be ignorance (in the true sense of the word) on his part, but given the same dx do you think he would research the "percentages," blindly ignore the docs, and go the herbal route??


Deb..caregiver to husband, age 63 at diagnosis, former smoker who quit in 1997.
DIAGNOSIS: 6/26/07 SCC right tonsil/BOT T4N0M0
TREATMENT START: 8/9/07 cisplatin/taxol X 7..IMRT twice daily X 31.5.
PEG OUT: 1/08
PORT OUT: 4/09
FOLLOWUP: Now only annual exams. ALL CLEAR!

Passed away 1/7/17 RIP Bill