When I was first out of treatment I was trying to find an oral cancer support groups and they are few and far between in our area. What did work was asking my RO nurse if there were any other patients that were further out from treatment that could give me advise. They found several for me that were willing to talk and that was very helpful. You might try that and see what they say. They contacted the person and then asked them to contact me if they felt like they wanted to - so no pressure on anyone.

Talking to someone that had been through this in person was encouraging - knowing they were doing well and back to a somewhat normal life.


SCC of tongue removed 3/07 mod. left neck dissection. Tumor reappeared 6/07. Removed 8/07, right neck dissection, free flap from wrist for tongue graph. Radiation 30 (IMRT), chemo cisplatin 4 rounds finished 11/07.