
Yes, you are awake...its a quick yank and its out. Bill's sounded like a champagne cork popping. He said he had a brief moment of pain and then it was over before he knew it. The hole looks icky for a few days but heals on its own. Bill was instructed to not eat or drink a lot for 2-3 hours and then he had no restrictions except to keep a gauze pad over the hole for a day or two.

You won't leak if you are careful for just a few hours. Congrats on this milestone.

Deb (without the z)

Deb..caregiver to husband, age 63 at diagnosis, former smoker who quit in 1997.
DIAGNOSIS: 6/26/07 SCC right tonsil/BOT T4N0M0
TREATMENT START: 8/9/07 cisplatin/taxol X 7..IMRT twice daily X 31.5.
PEG OUT: 1/08
PORT OUT: 4/09
FOLLOWUP: Now only annual exams. ALL CLEAR!

Passed away 1/7/17 RIP Bill