Hello to all, I am here just been trying to stay a float. No I am not back at work. I was doing some volunteer stuff which was very rewarding. I just had another surgery. OUCH!!! I am so tired of 'ole sawbones..I swear he just loves to cut on me. My face is so swollen right now I don't even look ANYONE I know! They had to take the titanium plate out that was holding my jaw bone together. The jaw bone was the bone from my left leg. They had to remove it because it was ripping thru my skin in two places. I had no choice. As usual anything that has anything to do with CANCER is. That is it tho,,,I am done with it all. I told my husband I can't and won't take or do anymore. There is a limit to any one persons amount of pain. I just hit it. Let me hear from you....I sure have missed everyone. This forum is always so so busy that one tends to get lost very quickly in it. Or I sure did. I would ask a question then it would be lost in the flow of things...Praying for us all....Miss Vicki