OP Contributing Member (25+ posts) Joined: Aug 2007 Posts: 36 | Hi Everybody! Well last Saturday I went to my parents house and Dad ate some broth! First time since Sept 17th! And he has eaten small spoonfuls of various liquids ever since,and he says it all tastes the way it should! Then we went to get the PET scan results and the bad news is they found something on his mandible on the opposite side of where his cancer was. We then remembered that is was a hole that didn't heal from tooth extraction so they think it is an infection in his jaw (but they plan to biopsy) and he will likely have to have hyperbaric chamber treatments. However, the cancer in his tonsil, tongue and lymph nodes IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday was my birthday so we put a cake in the blender and my parents husband and MIL ate together at the table, played cards, dice, laughed etc. As little as a month ago I wondered If I would ever eat with my Dad again! As many of you know, he qualified as possible "Worst PEG tube story known to man" His tube is now how it should have been 2 days after surgery and very manageable. I'm not one to celebrate prematurely and am concerned about the new spot but my god I feel good! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Mariam
Caregiver to father,Frank -Tonsil SCC spread to base of tongue 2 lymph, T2N2M0 stage 4a, IMRT 35x, Erbitux 8x-stopped after 5 due to thrush infection and strp infection in PEG,diag Aug 07 tx concluded Nov 8 07 PEG issues Inpatient Oct 8th-Nov 8th.