Well I just went and checked out the site, and you know that is just what some of these charities have done. The top charities are ones that I've never heard of, meaning that they are really out there promoting themselves in this effort, since $50,000 is worth fighting for. The big charities that take in millions a year are not even trying since 50k is nothing to them.... When you fill out the form we are a NATIONAL charity, based in Newport Beach, CA, 92663

OK, just so you know, the minimum donation is $10.00, but the people that get the most other people to donate to a given charity, are the ones that get the recognition. This is a challenge donation process to get people to challenge others to raise donations for a charity (like OCF) and see who can get the most other people to donate to that charity... It's a really good idea. The question is do we have enough people at OCF interested in picking up the challenge to make a difference? It took me less than than minutes to create a screen name and password, make the donation, and pay through PayPal. (You could also just use a credit card).

Last edited by Brian Hill; 01-21-2008 07:21 PM.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.