Thanks to all of you for the insight you all gave. Leslie, can you still eat and talk with that much of your tongue out? I wish I could have the surgery done and the Dr. would get it all - otherwise I would have to go through the rad again anyway. On the otherhand, if I have the rad it would save my tongue. I meet with my rad Dr. and Oncologist next week. Hope there is some insight from them. I am hoping that my ENT is not wanting to avoid the surgery for other reasons. I guess I should ask him if he has ever taken that much of a tongue before. He was my Dr. the first time around and was great, only thing he did not get a clear margin that time so we opted for the rad. Who knows? Then I am also wondering if I have the rad and no surgery how will I know if the CA has been eliminated or not. Any thoughts from any of you on this?

Thanks again, Con
