Here we go again. Leon had his annual PET Scan last week. When I called the doctor for his results he said the scan came back good but there is a slight uptake in his surgical bed and BOT (where the cancer was). Recommendation was to scope him on next visit, which is Friday. Leon is now 16 months post treatment and I am worried about the uptake; shouldn't that be gone by this amount of time since end of treatment? He gets scoped everytime he sees his RO or ENT which is about every 3 months at this point. Should I be worried?

Rhonda - Caregiver to husband Leon. Diagnosed with SCC of right tonsil, 1 lymph node. Right tonsilectomy 10/3/05 - Right neck dissectomy 10/12/05, completed 39 IMRT treatments 2/23/06.