Hi Susan,

As far as the chocolate is concerned, most of the people on the forum have had the same reaction as Bill has described. Usually it just tastes lousy.

The only experience I have had with patients having shocking sensations is when fillings touch each other if they are of dissimilar metals. Not from food. So I would definately recommend getting your dentist to take a look. It may just be coincidental with the chocolate.

Sorry I didn't pick up on the shocking part in your email the other day. I probably shouldn't be reading and writing after 11PM.



Retired Dentist, 59 years old at diagnosis. SCC of the left lateral border of the tongue (Stage I). Partial glossectomy and 30 nodes removed, 4/6/05. Nodes all clear. No chemo no radiation 18 year survivor.

"Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger"