My Mother had a procedure done today after being on a Peg for over a year and aspirating on 100% of everything she swallows. They originally thought the problem was her cricopharnegeus muscle based on her swallow tests. The ENT had to put her out and scope her because he could not get down her throat enough to see the problem due to her damage for TX. Today he put her out and still could not get down because her throat at the esophogaus is completely closed due to all of the damage from her treatment. The scarring and ahdesions are closing off the entire opening. He is looking to refer her to a specialist who can reconstruct her esophogaus by using some tissue from her stomach. Has anyone ever experienced this or heard of it?
PS the good news is there was no tumors down there!

Mom has Bot scc stage T1/N1= stage 3 dx 6/27/05 treatment IMRT & chemo (docetaxel, cisplatin, 5FU) ended treatment 8/22/05 Cancer free as of Feb 2006