Diflucan was a regular part of my meds-diet for nearly nine months after tx. The thrush was nasty and really hard to get rid of.

I too hacked up impressive globs of bloody goop for severl weeks. Turns out it was scabs and dead tissue from the radio burns. Nasty lookin stuff, but it sure felt good to get it out of there.

Peg infections are pretty common. As you point out, the site is essentially an open wound prevented from healing completely. Mine got lots of nasty crud around it. I finally realized that much of the irritation was CAUSED by the stupid gauze pads. They would absorb the wounds healing fluids, harden and then irritate the skin. I got on a low dose of antibiotic and stayed on it for several months.

I stopped putting the gauze around the tube and was surprised at how quickly it began to heal. Its kind of messy, because the wound 'weeps' but allowing those fluids to drain away from the site really helped me. I ruined quite a few t-shirts, but my peg site was sure happier. I blasted the site with a spray disinfectant lightly, a couple of times per day, and threw away the tshirts after a few dozen washings. The disinfectant handy-wipes were always convenient too. My counsel is dump the gauze and change t-shirts often. Be strong, Tom

SCC BOT, mets to neck, T4.
From 3/03: 10wks daily multi-drug chemo,
Then daily chemo with twice daily IMRT for 12 weeks - week on, week off. No surgery. New lung primary 12/07. Searching out tx options.