I am in communication with these companies, and almost weekly with the primary researcher on HPV and oral cancer Dr. Gillison at Johns Hopkins. The studies linking the virus to oral cancers are published. The data coming out of JH indicates that HPV may be present in more than 50% of all oral cancer patients including the smoking population of patients. It is a big deal, perhaps even epidemic. The companies are already considering the oral connections and that is on their plate for near future exploration. Clinicals are very expensive and in every commercial endeavor this is a consideration. The fact is that when the vaccine begins to be used here in the US (it is primarily slated for introduction in 3rd world countries that do not do cervical exams first) there will be inevitable long-term changes in the head and neck world as a result. This will happen regardless of their not targeting oral specifically. In my conversations with both them and GSK, my objective has been to show them that the market opportunity as well as need is there, as again market and return drive efforts.

By the way, this article in CURE is really old news, we have been following this in the OCF news section for over a year, and for over two years I have been working with doctor Gillison related to the introduction of an oral HPV test.

A major obstacle here in the US that NOBODY had considered, is how strongly the US religious right has come out against the vaccine. Like their rejection of information about condoms and sex education in junior high schools, they wrongly believe that all this will encourage premarital sex. I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating this is to the science people and to me that have been trying to make headway in these issues. The vaccine would have to be administered BEFORE sexual activity begins. The REALITY is that in practical terms that means before age 12. No parent wants to acknowledge that this number could be correct, but the facts are there to substantiate it. We need to educate our young people, and that means more than "just say no"...to drugs or sex. Information combined with involved parents will help all things. Denial and avoidance will not help anyone.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.