Thanks everyone. I'm not really worried about the sutures, just annoyed by the one in my throat and wanting to make sure the outside ones don't get infected. Jerry, they're not infected, at least not yet! :-) The plastic surgeon saw them on Friday and thought they looked fine. I'm just trying to make sure they don't get worse.

I clipped off the outside ones, and they're not so "puffed up" anymore. As for the inside ones....I am not NEARLY as brave as you Erik! I feel whiney calling the doctor about it, but if it doesn't dissolve soon I'm going to ask if they can trim or remove that one.

As for treatment, they're not recommending anything further. All the lymph nodes were negative and they said they got really good margins. Any comments on that? I know a lot of you think it should be followed with radiation and/or chemo too.


Stage II (T2N0M0) SCC diag 4/21/05; partial glossectomy & selective neck dissection (good margins and lymyph nodes negative), jaw split, 1/3 of tongue removed, free flap from left forearm - 5/23/05; 42 years old at diagnosis