Just a question about sutures, both inside my mouth and out. I am now 4 weeks post-surgery (I can't believe it's that long already!). Last Friday, the plastic surgeon told me it would be about 30 more days before the sutures inside my mouth started to dissolve. I would like to hear from others how long it took for them? I have one suture in particular that's really annoying. It is in the very back of my tongue rubbing on my throat right where I swallow. Makes me want to gag all the time!

Also, on my incision on the outside, I have several places where sutures are sticking out. The plastic surgeon said to just trim those off whenever they poked out. I have two places where I get large sores where the sutures are. Any ideas on how to deal with these? They are almost like gigantic pimples.

Besides petty annoyance, recovery is actually going pretty well. I am starting to eat some "real" food, but still not doing a whole lot of actual chewing. Swallowing's okay unless I get food right in the center of the back of my tongue......if that happens, that's where it stays! The home health nurse came today, and my arm and leg are healing up fine. Also, the trach hole is almost completely sealed up now.

Thanks for all the support.


Stage II (T2N0M0) SCC diag 4/21/05; partial glossectomy & selective neck dissection (good margins and lymyph nodes negative), jaw split, 1/3 of tongue removed, free flap from left forearm - 5/23/05; 42 years old at diagnosis