My mom had oral cancer, treated with radiation for 2 tumors on her mandibles more than 2 years ago. She has since gained the weight back, but is left with little to no saliva, difficulty swallowing, lots of tooth decay (worsening by the minutes!) and what to seems to me lots of pain in her mouth and her tongue flares up and swells. I have been reading some of the posts and this all seems normal, but this far out? I guess I am concerned that she still relies heavily on narcotics for pain, and this combined with history of alcoholism (sober from alcohol for 7 years)makes me wonder how much pain is she really in? How much is she taking that mght not really be helping? I also know her nutrition has a large sugar component because most soft easy to eat foods are high in sugar. I realize sugar slows healing. I understand no one can know how much pain she is in, but is is normal to have a tongue that swells and a mouth that hurts so much that you are still using fairly large amounts of narcotics? Are there any tricks to reducing mouth pain, tongue pain/swelling?