Ok, this one is only for the males of the group, sorry for being chauvinistic and all, but PC doesnt' exist on this side of the world.

Wondering how many of us "manly men" have had a loss of libido, etc after chemo. Ok, reason I'm asking is that my wife and I are trying toget "pregnant" and recent tests have discovered an extremely low sperm count, like "0". Doc thinks there might be some hormonal change caused by the chemo (Cisplatin) and asked if I had any reduction in libido since the treatments. My immediate response was "no" but then I thought about it, and while I don't expect at the age of 49 to be running around constantly in heat like I was at 17, I think I should be a little more interested than I am. I do remember being more "interested" before all this.

Did blood tests yesterday for testosterone and FHL, will see those results later this week. Asked the oncologist, and his response was that one of the side effects of Cisplatin was a reduction in sperm production. Now he tells me, I asked several times before I started, and he said (and I have the e-mails to prove it) that there should be no problem. So that has me aggravated as well.

ARRGGHH!!! Another hassle. As you can see this isn't one of those things you would discuss with friends or male co-workers, would get bombarded by offers to "help out" Yes, I'm sure.

SCC Tongue, stage IV diagnosed Sept, 2002, 1st radical neck dissection left side in Sept, followed by RAD/Chemo. Discovered spread to right side nodes March 2003, second radical neck dissection April, followed by more RAD/Chemo.