Hello everyone,
Hope your holidays are special! Dan had his radical neck dissection on Christmas eve. The neck dissection went well, however, they were not able to get all the tumor. It is attached to his carotid artery and jugular in throat. After healing for 3 weeks he will undergo megodoses of chemo/rad in hopes that it could kill the remaining cancer. I am worried about these three weeks as cancer so far grows in him rapidly. We are told nothing else can be done except wait and then do chemo/rad.

Anyone else have any information for us? Pathology will be back Monday or Tuesday and that is when we should get all the final results.

Take care!

Debbie/Caregiver/wife of Dan, diagosed with SCC tongue, Stage II/III, 1/3 tongue removal, lymph node dissection both sides of neck, skin graph 7/30/03. Left tumor found - radical left neck dissection 12/24/03. Could not get all of tumor/wrapped around carotid artery and in wall of jugular. 1/12/04 beginning of 6 doses of Taxol/Cistoplatin once a week, and rad 70 gray 5 days a week/6 weeks.