Big Red,
This is a radical neck dissection to the left. He already had modified where they took nodes. The tumor is large and the oral surgeon plans to take most everything except the artery.

Daniel & Mark,
Thanks for the encouraging words...not quite the Christmas we had planned. Just praying that God guides the surgeon's hands and that this will take care of the cancer.

Merry Christmas to all!

Debbie/Caregiver/wife of Dan, diagosed with SCC tongue, Stage II/III, 1/3 tongue removal, lymph node dissection both sides of neck, skin graph 7/30/03. Left tumor found - radical left neck dissection 12/24/03. Could not get all of tumor/wrapped around carotid artery and in wall of jugular. 1/12/04 beginning of 6 doses of Taxol/Cistoplatin once a week, and rad 70 gray 5 days a week/6 weeks.