We've been so busy with Dan's diagnostic and treatment schedule, that I have been letting the mail pile up for a long time. Yesterday, I got a friendly reminder call that I need to start getting on top of our medical bills.

I've never dealt with medical bills in large quantities...just an occassional doctor visit here or there.

I am wondering if anyone has created a good system for tracking the bills and the insurance reimbursements. Our institution does not bother us with the co-pays, so even though I know we have good insurance...I know there will be lots of bills to pay.

And, our insurance company (which we are very thankful for) isn't always spot on with payments and sometimes they make mistakes...by not covering something that should be covered.

I know I'll be able to sort through this mess...but, I thought if someone had a good system for organizing and tracking the overwhelming amount of paper, bills and forms...that maybe I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel.

Plus, I'd like to track this in a way where I can get an idea on what this whole mess costs...insurance and out of pocket...just for curiosity's sake.

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


C/G: Husband, 48 (at time of dx)
Dx 5/18/07 SCC, BOT, lymph node involvement. T1N2BM0. (Stage 4a, G2/3)
Tx 6/18 - 8/3/07, IMRT x 33 Cisplatin x3 (stopped after 1st dose due to hearing issues). Weekly Erbitux started 6/27/07 completed 8/6/07.