Joanna........You are so funny! When you mentioned that you looked like a "backwoods granny" with all your missing teeth I immediately had a visual of Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies, minus teeth of course. Some how I doubt you look that bad though. I've been lucky with my teeth so far--knock wood--my dentist compares them to the teeth of a horse, and I'm guessing that is supposed to be a compliment! LOL In five years I have not had one cavity BUT it appears the the bone in my jaw is deterioating and at some point that will give me trouble. IT's always something! Teeth or no teeth I get the sense that you'll get through all of this cancer stuff just fine---your wonderful sense of humor will carry you far on your cancer journey. Good Luck, and keep us posted. By the way, when do you start radiation? How is the feeding tube working for you? And by now, I"m guessing your treachea is long gone. Right? Sincerely, Donna

SCC first time 1989, with a diagnoses of 'cancer in situ' removed lesion, no other treatments.
SCC recurrence 1997 of tongue and floor of the mouth. Stage III /IV Hemmiglossectomy (removed over 60% of tongue/ floor of the mouth), free flap, modified neck, RAD and Chemo(cisplatin, 5fu) simutainously.
Cancer free 6, yes, six, years!