Hi Joanna,
After my surgery and prior to radiation, I had to have all of my teeth removed. A year after treatment was finished I was given my top denture. I had very few problems adjusting to the denture. I had to wait 18 months to be fitted with bottom dentures because the gums were in the line of radiation. I have had them about a month now, and things are some better. I still have not regained total sense of taste, so alot of foods I no longer miss. It is nice to finally crunch toast again. I'm sure after your treatments you also will get the missing teeth replaced. Hang in there, things do get better. I understand how you feel, it was a very long time after treatment ended before I would venture out into the world. I was so sure everyone was staring at me, but eventually I got over that. I wish you well and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Anita smile