Thanks everyone for some great ideas. I'll check the hardware store Ed, That sounds like it will work! I gotta catch you on his name though Ed. It's Don smile It's a hard habit to break if I let it go. Lowanne, thats a great idea too. I sent you a message. Things are getting worse since I started this post. We don't go for the PET til the 14th but I have a call out about his voice. It's bearly intelligible now and he will only answer the phone if I call, I call only with yes or no questions or info for him. Is this from the pneumonia? Why is it getting worse? He's been on Augmenton for a week and half. We don't go back to Madison for another week and a half. I'm afraid if something bad is going on in there it's sure happening fast. What if it affects his breathing? Has anyone else experienced this? This disease keeps taking and taking. Can't eat, can't drink, can't talk. Now he wont even golf cuz his buddies can't understand him. (I'll be talking to the buddies) He had a bad experience at the counter of a gas station and couldn't talk well enough to let the cashier know he was screwing him out of 32 cent. 5 cents off per gallon is 35 cents when you get 7 gallons when I went to school. He got only a 3 cent discount on the gas. ARRRGGGG it's not the 32 cents... it's the principle. If I'd have been there I'd have come unglued! God knows I'm ready to crack right now anyway. We finally filed for his SSDI yesterday, They "TERI flagged" it so we can get a decision within 30 days. That is something I never heard of before. I did a search and learned a little more. They only do it if someone is terminal or not responding to treatments. Just a piece of info I thought I'd pass along. I know SS disability can be a nightmare in itself when you have to apply.

Caretaker/Longtime Girlfriend of Don. Dx 10/31/03 SCC Stage IV T2N3bMO right tonsil/tongue base. 35 IMRT w/8 Chemos,Biopsy 4/5/4 STILL pos. Radical rightside 4/12/4 Reoccurred late August 04 God took his hand from me November 23rd, 2004