Dear Kaycey,
My heart goes out to you as you guys deal with this heartbreaking illness. I, too, have a great church family and God does comfort, however, it's so hard not to be overcome with fear and loneliness during these times. As a caregiver myself, I surely understand your pain.I will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.

Debbie/Caregiver/wife of Dan, diagosed with SCC tongue, Stage II/III, 1/3 tongue removal, lymph node dissection both sides of neck, skin graph 7/30/03. Left tumor found - radical left neck dissection 12/24/03. Could not get all of tumor/wrapped around carotid artery and in wall of jugular. 1/12/04 beginning of 6 doses of Taxol/Cistoplatin once a week, and rad 70 gray 5 days a week/6 weeks.