Hi Eileen,
I'm not real familiar with the drive from where you are so can't help you with directions. I use mapquest when I travel and it works out great. The park is at 500 Greenbrier Parkway, Chesapeake Virginia.
We will be meeting at the Golden Corral on Friday night and more on that will be posted after I talk to Danny again. This rest. is a buffet style place that will be casual and have food for all of us.
Take care,

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.