
Darrell is right. Cancer doesn't kill 100% of the people who smoke, chew or dip. It just kills a lot of the people who do, and tobacco is one of the most frequent causes of a whole smorgasboard of cancer.

By Darrell's sick logic, you might as well chew, because tobacco might not kill you. Or it might not give you Stage 3, T3,N1,M0, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Base of Tongue.

I saw a guy on the news today who lost control of a nail gun and drove a 4 inch nail up through the roof of his mouth and into his brain. He lived to tell the tale, so what the heck? Maybe we should all drive nails into our brains to so we can get on TV. After all, it doesn't kill everybody.


SCCA T2N1M0 diagnosed 11/02, radical neck dissection, 7 weeks radiation, 6 surgeries to deal with osteonecrosis, 10 weeks hyperbaric oxygen. "Live strong. Laugh often."