
Of course you want to start up again, my friend... nicotine is ADDICTIVE. I smoked for about 5 years. When I realized I was addicted, I quit. That was 1979.

Oral cancer is nasty. It cost me half of my jaw, so I can only chew on the left side of my mouth. But that's OK, because the radiation treatments caused my throat to shrink to the point where I can't swallow much at a time, so I don't need to take any big bites.

Steak is out of the question. So is good Mexican food, because the radiation treatments made it so I can't stand chiles. But, hey... that's just me.

I won't tell you to quit dipping snuff. I don't have any right. But I will quietly hope you choose to quit before you have to join this board for real. It's up to you, my friened.

Life is all about choices. Good luck with yours.


SCCA T2N1M0 diagnosed 11/02, radical neck dissection, 7 weeks radiation, 6 surgeries to deal with osteonecrosis, 10 weeks hyperbaric oxygen. "Live strong. Laugh often."