My daughter starts radiation Thurs (IMRT) for stage 3 base of tongue cancer. The surgery revealed 1 involved lymph node out of 26 removed. As we get closer to this dark part of the journey I'm now trying to find out all I can exactly what will be done. Just found out today that they will be radiating both sides of the neck (assumed it would only be the surgery side). Is this the normal procedure? She's doing so well right now - RO says she's in the "honeymoon stage" where the surgery pain is tolerable & she's able to eat & taste again. I understand that will go away in about 3 weeks when the rad burns take over (thank goodness for the PEG). T'm guessing the holidays will take a vacation for us this year but that's ok as long as she gets through this - she has 3 children who are desperately afraid for her.
Other than the salivaries, are there any other possible permanent side effects from the rad? And how long after rad does 'normalcy' return? Her rad will run right up to Christmas.
Thanks to all of you who post - this board is a Godsend!
Caregiver to daughter (age 41, non-smoker/drinker, aerobic instructor), SCC base of tongue, Stage III (N1M0), Dx 9/27/06, partial glossectomy + modified radical ND 10/16/06, Tx 30 IMRT start 11/9/06