One important 'goal' I forgot to mention above was .. To make it thru this thing WITHOUT DOING THE HOSPITAL 5 DAYS A WEEK THING. And, it's looking like I'm gonna make that one with only ONE week to go. That is a BIGGIE to me. I just flat don't like hospitals. Way too many sick people laying around feeling miserable and bored.

It's 1:30 Sat morning (I do keep some real odd hours these days) and feeling pretty darn good and ready to take on that last week. No major issues popped up this week other than the fatigue thing and have been sleeping about 12-14 hrs a day. The good news is my sleeping has been much easier than say about the 2nd or 3rd week into this thing. Only have to get up every couple hrs or so to go to the bathroom (from the hydration I'm taking). The mucus thing has not been that much of a problem (thank you mucinex).

My 'sunburn' seems to have peaked for the week and not too bad. I've been pilling on the Aquaphor 'goop' and that seems to have helped a lot. A helpful hint on applying this stuff. Use a 'surgical' glove...then when your finished just throw the glove away. That stuff is super goopy and is almost impossible to get off your hands.

The swallowing pain seems to come and go. One day it hurts a bit....the next no problem??? Many more good days than bad.

I had thrush going there for awhile...but the pills the Dr prescribed seems to have taken care of that.

Can't say enough for the Scandishakes (at least they have worked very well for me). I mix up about 3 packages EVERY morning in a blender with some protein powder to boot....then my goal is to finsih it off by end of day. That's about 1900 calories (counting the protein powder). They go down very easy. Plus the bag or two of 'stuff' a day the home care people set me up with every week that I hook up thru my 'port' (another must have). I'm gettin pretty darn good at hooking this thing up and getting it flowing. Maybe I can be a 'home nurse' part time after this??? Another little helpful hint....put up a couple of those little hooks in strategic places you can screw into ceiling to use to hang the bags. That works better than the flimsy stand they sent. And, I feel I'm getting the hydration/nutrition needed each day.

I'm still losing weight (at about 320 now...that's 70 lbs from 1st of the year...and 50 lbs from start of treatments). I keep telling the Drs..hey, a person my size to begin with loses weight on a 2,000 calorie diet a day. My blood pressure is still very good and my blood counts each week are in the good nobody is freaking out too much other than my nutritionist. I feel good so let her fret.