Travel size Crisco, that would be so cool! Crisco on the Go. I learned the crisco trick in high school, livng in Maine, dead of winter, no vaseline in the house. My lips were on fire from being chapped and I was desperate, lol. It worked.
Eileen, I remember also that aquaphor had a nasty taste.
I am going to think on the water issue also, I don't drink enough of it and that may be the problem.

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.