Hi guys. Just reporting in and saying a cheery hello to all. Surgery 12th September. Removal of half my tongue, neck disection. Got a flap in, talking really well and almost on to solid foods. Docs and family are surprised at my healing and even now the scars on my neck are hard to see. I really only have discomfort in my wrist from the graft. Have been off pain killers four days now. I guess I am extremely lucky to have healed so well and perhaps a little relieved that I got this awful disease so young! I am gearing up for radiation in four weeks time. I am so happy to be able to spend this healing time with family without feeling too dreadful. Finally - just to pass on my heart felt thanks for all your wonderful words on this site. What a comfort it was before treatment and I am sure will be even more comfort during radiation. Thanks guys and hope you are all well. Love and good wishes. Karyn

SCC left tongue Stage 2. 34 years old. Free flap and neck dissection 12/09/05