Hi Nicki, I just took panadol and morphine to relieve my pain. They were in syrup so that I could swallow them. I don't know whether the pain meds were really effective or it was just that the treatment didn't induce too much pain on me, I never complained to anyone about feeling very painful. I took the medicine for about 4 months together with medicine to cope with my constipation problem.I don't know the name but it was a brown tablet, which caused pain when I swallowed.The constipation was really frustrating. One reason was the effect of morphine and the other was I didn't eat much during treatment.I stayed in the hospital for 3 whole weeks and remember just going to the toilet for 2 to 3 times with a little 'output'. My oncologist only focused on killing my tumors and told me not to worry too much about the toilet problem. It only improved when I was able to eat some veggies and did some exercises.No addiction. When I felt the pain became less, I reduced the dosage until one day I simply kicked it off.Everyone's experience is so different. Always good to hear more and make the best decision after consulting professional advice.


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.