Hi Erik,

I have the same question as you. Why can't met to other parts of the body be cured. I had IMRT to my throat and they tell me I had my lifetime dose. Whats the difference if they were to hit the lungs with additional radiation what would it hurt. You have already told me the reoccurrance in my throat will kill me. They are treating me for the reoccurance in the right tonsil area with carboplatin & taxol. I asked why you don't seem concerned about the met to my lungs. She told me the reoccurrance in my throat will kill me long before the lung met would. Guess there are no miricles in this world! I am feeling my resolve to beat this diminished by the attitude of standard medicine. What's the point? To have NO hope is very depressing, I still believe I can beat this, Just give me all the options you can. I will make the decisions on weather or not to receive them.

Best Wishes to All, Danny Boy

Daniel Bogan DX 7/16/03 Right tonsil,SCC T4NOMO. right side neck disection, IMRT Radiation x 33.

Recurrance in June 05 in right tonsil area. Now receiving palliative chemo (Erbitux) starting 3/9/06

Our good friend and loved member of the forum has passed away RIP Dannyboy 7-16-2006