Yes, it is unpleasant. I sleep sitting up, three pillows behind my back, because of the phlegm, and wake up every 2-3 hours with my tongue glued up to the roof of my mouth. At 2 weeks post radiation the phlegm is a bigger problem for me - make sit impossible to be around polite society when you have to spit and gag constantly.
I hope to hear that it will get better - but all i have heard from doctors is that it varies, depends on the person etc., the same answer they give to most of my questions.
I hope it gets better for youvery soon, and I will follow two weeks behind you!

scc right tonsil T1N1M0, right tonsillectomy + modified neck dissection 3/04, radiation IMRT both sides X33 ended 6/04.
Also had renal cell carcinoma, left kidney removed 11/04