Shel, at the end of rad/chemo, my mouth was full of sores, and infected to boot, so the thought of eating didn't even compute. I used the PEG for a month while gradually beginning to eat normally, which got easier as my mouth healed and the taste began to return. I don't think you need to be in any big hurry at this point. Start by drinking water, then broth, then thicker things, and gradually work up to real food and you will be fine. One day you will realize you haven't used the PEG for a week, and you can then call to have it removed. Don't rush it because especially now you need good nutrition to heal from the radiation assault on your system. Always remember that every patient is different. You will most likely know better than anyone when you are ready to eat by mouth. There is no hard and fast rule about when anything should happen, so don't worry about that. I was in one heck of a hurry about everything just because I am that way. Doesn't mean that is right (grin). Congratulations on making it though!