Hi Brian,
strangely enough my tongue has healed up nicely (it was getting burned so bad that it felt like it was shot with novacaine) but it hasn't made much of a difference on the inside of my cheeks where the blisters get bigger everyday. My mouth and throat conditions are deteriorating rapidly and by tomorrow I am sure that I will be using the "Millers" Solution. I also got a Waterpik (from a suggestion from someone on the site) and it's working well for me also. I think also that I will be switching to the canned food pretty quickly to make sure I'm getting enough calories.

Gary Allsebrook
Dx 11/22/02, SCC, 6 x 3 cm Polypoid tumor, rt tonsil, Stage III/IVA, T3N0M0 G1/2
Tx 1/28/03 - 3/19/03, Cisplatin ct x2, IMRT, bilateral, with boost, x35(69.96Gy)
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14 NIV)